Joe Yorke End Of The Day Review

Joe Yorke – End Of The Day – Review

Joe Yorke: End Of The Day 7” Vinyl Review by Mr Topple for

What happens when Bristolian Joe Yorke teams up with Swiss-based The 18th Parallel and Fruits Records, as well as master lyricist Eeyun Delroy Purkins? Well, at the ‘end of the day’ it’s perfection, of course – and now available in the Pauzeradio shop.

End Of The Day, released and produced via Fruits Records, sees the UK-based Yorke collaborate with The 18th Parallel across the arrangement, and Purkins across the lyrics. The slick mixing comes from Westfinga, and the mastering is done with finesse by Sam John – both of whom bring some 80s Rub-A-Dub to this Roots track. Swiss-based collective, and house band for Fruits Records, The 18th Parallel are at the top of their game at present – as is Yorke, fresh from the acclaimed album A Distant Beat, with Purkins and his outfit The Co-Operators. So, how does end Of The Day stack up?

The track itself is highly evocative. A fairly pacey BPM kicks in quickly – but only after some pattering bongos from Antonin Chatelain open proceedings. His drums then help drive the track forward – avoiding a traditional one drop, instead with the kick hitting the down beats, the snare on the ups, and the hi-hats fluttering around in between. Stuf Addis’s bass, however, does provide a one drop – giving that classic break at the start of each bar. His work is pacey, too, giving End Of The Day real momentum around a dotted note-led rhythm that mixes arpeggio chords with some runs.

Two guitars are in play. Jouke Yspeerd’s pick provides some choppy yet delicate running interest across End Of The Day, while Léo Marin’s rhythm one gives the track momentum in the background, as well as a steady grounding.

Mathias Liengme’s keys run a strong bubble rhythm – heavily staccato in their mid-high register, they strut around the track providing sway and substance. Liengme also brings in an organ on occasion with some pleasing riffs and runs. However, the most interesting part of his performances is across the Korg MonoPoly – a classic analogue synthesiser, which here he employs for its string facility, running a call and response role versus Yorke’s vocal. It’s a fascinating inclusion and is pitch perfect in terms of harking the sound back to an earlier time.

Then, you have Yorke’s vocal – which is utterly spellbinding.

He works in the entirety in his famous falsetto range: a well-controlled, richly toned, and efficient instrument which Yorke has full control over – no mean feat for a male vocalist, for which he should be applauded. He is direct in his use of his – most of his performance being forte, but with inflections of something gentler at points, notably at the end of some phrasing. His range is excellent – going up to C5 at its highest. Yorke also has created an interesting rhythmic line to accompany the superb melody, which is particularly pleasing across the chorus.

The lyrical narrative is equally strong, with Purkins having constructed a strong and thoughtful piece around the grind of daily life under the system – where we all have “bills to pay”, while the rhetorical question of ‘what’s the point’ is ultimately posed. Yet still, Purkins’ message is one of resilience in the face of all this.

Side B sees The 18th Parallel provide an excellent Dub version of the track – honing in on the stark and morose nature of the lyrics. It provides some thunderously resonant engineering and arrangement which takes the original tone and moves it forward wonderfully.

Overall, End Of The Day is a strong, compelling release from all involved. Fresh, inventive, and with a stunning vocal from Yorke, Pauzeradio highly recommends it.

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Joe Yorke End Of The Day Review by Mr Topple / Pauzeradio PR Services (1st July 2023).

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